Subscriber Resources

Posted Items

These items will be provided to a facility electronically by posting them to the individual facility’s section of the UDSPRO Central™ website. Purchasers will be notified of the location. (Nonsubscribers will receive these items via e-mail.) Please allow 3–5 business days for delivery.


UDSMR® Physician Query Forms, Version 3

Netsmart® Physician Query Forms

Standard PDF Version



Interdisciplinary IRF Documentation Forms

Interdisciplinary IRF Documentation Forms


Pre-Admission Screening, Post-Admission Physician Evaluation, Interdisciplinary Evaluation, Cognitive Patterns Worksheet, Individualized Overall Plan of Care, Physician SOAP Note, Weekly Team Conference, Bedside Swallow Evaluation, and Physician Discharge Summary


Interdisciplinary evaluation addendums have been added for most IRF-PAI sections.

Standard PDF Version



QI Clinical Workbook and QI Activity Book

QI Clinical Workbook and QI Activity Book


Use these resources to complement other educational materials to ensure your clinical staff’s competency in coding the Quality Indicator items. The QI Clinical Workbook includes admission and discharge scenarios for five case studies, questions about each scenario, and answers and rationales. The QI Activity Book includes additional activities, such as true-or-false, matching, and fill-in-the-blanks that can be used to enhance the staff’s educational experience.

Standard PDF Version



Shipped Items


IRF-PAI Coding Guide for Sections GG and H

UDSMR® IRF-PAI Coding Guide for Sections GG and H

Discounted rates available*



The Rehabilitation Physician’s Guide to IRF Documentation‡

The Rehabilitation Physician’s Guide to IRF Documentation

Subscribers only: $350.00


Rehabilitation Physician Documentation Review Template‡

Rehabilitation Physician Documentation Review Template


This valuable tool monitors your rehabilitation physicians’ documentation for “reasonable and necessary” IRF criteria, provides them with valuable feedback, and assesses their compliance with the documentation requirements outlined in the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual.




Post Acute Academy

These electronic educational resources are available from McBee's Post Acute Academy (PAA) website.


UDSMR® Lunch-and-Learn Series: IRF‑PAI Quality Indicators


UDSMR® Lunch-and-Learn Series: IRF‑PAI Quality Indicators

These self-study webcasts are designed to educate clinicians who are responsible for providing documentation and QI codes for completing the IRF‑PAI. You can purchase individual modules, or the full seven-part series for a discounted price!


Individual modules: $60.00–$80.00 apiece

All seven modules: $440.00


Order Form

To order any of the above products, please complete this form and submit it to UDSMR. A sales representative will contact you shortly after submission to complete your order.